Tuesday, January 24, 2012

thin skinned

It is a slow morning...nice. Z woke us up before 7, she went down for an early nap. The gray light is slowly pouring into the windows of the house. I've had too much coffee already. I did watch the Oscar nominations...and already posted my thoughts. I'm productive.


I'm replaying a conversation in my head I had with someone yesterday who seem to convey that staying at home is for the mindless. I know that is not what they said, it is what I heard. (too sensitive???!) It is hard to stay home. It is hard to go to dinner and have people discussing work and I have nothing to add. It is hard to have people say patronizing things to you about staying home. It's aggravating. Is EVERY DAY a hard day? No. Yes, some days are lazy. Some days we stay in our pajamas. Some days she is wonderful with no tantrums and those days seem like a cake walk. But then there are other days...that most people would want to leave out the front door within minutes. Yes, I only have one right now. Gosh, must seem pretty simple.

Am I taking it too personally? Yes. Because I struggle with it as well. I miss going to work. I miss having co-workers. I miss thinking about different things than I do right now. I miss dressing up. But, I am happy to do what I'm doing. I love the relationship I have with Z. I would never discredit a working mom...ever. I can't imagine having so mental energy. We who stay home struggle with many things. Women who work struggle. There is no clear answer...but I'm bothered.

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