Wednesday, January 11, 2012

putting on lipstick does help.

Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining. There is no wind. It's not freezing. It's days like these where you wonder why there seems to be a slight pulling in your gut--downward. I am taking deep breaths and I'm going to drag myself to the gym to see if that works. Everyone goes through ups and downs. I feel like I'm just more attune to it. It's light a warning light came on. "Check everything...make sure you fix it before you break down." Right. Sometimes I ignore warning lights--but then you end up with a flat tire or you no longer have oil in the car. When in times of a slight downward spiral--check your gauges: exercise, write something down, listening to something happy, stand in the sun, (pray if you are so inclined) or do something completely out of your regimen.

Damn you. Go away.


about two hours later. Well, the gym did help. My earbuds broke as soon as I got there so I couldn't listen to my book. This could have sent me into an out of control fit, but it didn't. I worked out in silence. That was nice, too. I told Jason I'd like to go to the movies tonight, he seems to be cool with that. Think I'll go see The Descendants. I love to go alone to the movies. It's a good way to reset myself. That's odd, I know. My earliest memories are going to the movies--I feel very at home there. Am I escaping a bit? Yes. I don't care.

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