Friday, January 13, 2006

very superstitous, writing's on the wall

Please say that you knew the title is a stevie wonder lyric...if not, please educate yourself.

So, today is Friday the 13th and I'm working my first temp job in a nice big building that is filled with beautiful condos right off of Lake Michigan. I'm not superstitious...but already today stupid things happened. My roommate, "J" had to drive all the way back to the apartment because he forgot my keys were in his coat. (He now has ruled that he is no longer to drive my car--a bit dramatic) So, that started his day off well. However, when battling Chicago traffic, time is of the essence and he was already going to be hit with the brutal 6:30 am back up. Then, on my way to this little job, I got lost. Yeah, by the way...HUGE difference between North Lincoln Park Ave. and North Lincoln Park Ave West. It seems that there would be but I got screwed by Mapquest. It was raining, I parked a state away, then my umbrella turned inside out, then I fell flat on the wet cement (I do that, I just fall for no apparent reason) and scraped up my hand and side--but I did find the place after all. It is MISERABLE outside! Yesterday was beautiful. I doubt that has anything to do with anything though. I am fearful that my car will be towed. City parking signs are written in invisible ink. You park and feel so much pride about actually finding a spot and then you try to find your car later just to realize that in the interim some city jackass decided that day to put up "street cleaning" signs all up and down the block. By that time, it's too late, you're either towed, booted or have a ticket that'll require monthly payments to pay off. (I wish the payment comment were a joke...)

All of that has really nothing to do with it being Friday the 13th, but I'm trying out a lighter blog today. Thought I just try to ramble on here. I'll update if anything at all spooky, cooky or just bad luck comes about. So far I haven't received more than 13 calls today. 3 hrs, 45 min to go.

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