Monday, July 27, 2009

Sex...for lack of a better good.

"Love has no fear and no vengeance."--the quote on my Yogi tea bag. Yes, I am drinking tea that has caffeine! I am a bad mom. All weekend I felt somewhat paranoid about how others are viewing me..."You don't look pregnant....are you eating enough?" YES. Like I'm already a bad mother...I'm starving my child because I have a fear of being "fat." Nope...I will say that I don't have a huge appetite, but I do eat enough. I take my vitamin...and I'm sleeping as much as I can. Today, I'm exhausted. I'm not sleeping extremely well at night. I keep freaking about how I'm I cramping the baby? It's annoying.

We had a long weekend of in law bbq's. It went fine, although I kept sitting down and not moving. I also wasn't as social as I should have been...AND I had a bit of an oops by telling some young ladies the advice my mother gave me growing up-- in front of my mother in law--"my mom told me not to get married until you're at least 30 (which she was fine with...). She also said you should sleep with them first. (she didn't like that so much.) Oops. I wasn't talking to any virgins that I know of at the time. Maybe she was upset because one of the girls is sleeping with her youngest son--she's not thrilled about that. I wasn't encouraging teen sex! I was encouraging sex before marriage...that's different.

Least to say, I'm not sure I was a huge hit.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, you're fantastic!

My unedited advice would be to wait until you're 25, then start dating, have sex with whomever you want, and definitely don't get married to someone without having had sex with them. I think your mom's advice is right on.

I think you're fine with having caffeine. Actually, I used to have a Coke and a candy bar if I felt nervous about the babies' movement. You're a smart girl, and I firmly believe that a mother instinctively knows what is best for her own child. Trust yourself and practice ignoring everyone else now.