Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Paths that cross will cross again

Well, I finally finished Just Kids by Patti Smith. It left me with tears. Listening to it was a totally different feeling than just reading, I imagine. Patti's voice cracked a lot at the end and that made me feel for her. Her voice was rather monotone throughout which unnerved my mom, but Jason got used to it. I love hearing peoples' stories in their own voice- monotone or not. (My fave is still Jane Fonda's. And if anyone ever read it, she'd never be called Hanoi Jane again.)

One of the most striking things to me, other than the fact that I was so ignorant in 60s artists, was the richness of culture at the Chelsea Hotel. I stayed at the YMCA across the street there in...gosh...1997 or something and saw it. I knew that Arthur Miller had lived there. I had no idea about SO  MANY others! The personal accounts of Patti's time with Janis Joplin, William Burroughs, Sam Shepard,  Jimmy Hendrix, and the Warhol scene were really interesting to me. Her friendship with Robert Mapplethorpe was the centerpiece and I loved hearing how they created a life together. To live amongst so much culture in a time where the internet didn't take our attention away and people seemed to dive into themselves to create is so foreign. I know there are still people and places like this...but I don't see them very much. I, myself, struggle with the TV distraction...and movies. Most of them were too poor to have such luxuries. It seemed to really work in their favor. I will admit, listening to this book had a "Midnight in Paris" effect on me. I longed to live in the 60-70s and be amongst all of those people in the Chelsea. I felt that so much was learned and created. I felt that I was ignorant and uncultured. (Jason says this wasn't because of when I lived, but where...you don't have a ton of culture in Small Town, KS) I felt like I'd wasted my 20s and was jealous of all the experiences Patti had in NYC. I am appreciative of my friend Jeremy Dewey who had me read this. I learned so much that I want to learn more about. I am now looking into classes in art history and music. I used to just want to take writing courses, but now I just want to broaden my horizons.

Here is one of Patti's songs I love:

Paths That Cross

Speak to me
Speak to me heart
I feel a needing
to bridge the clouds
Softly go
A way I wish to know
A way I wish to know

Oh you'll ride
Surely dance
In a ring
Backwards and forwards
Those who seek
feel the glow
A glow we will all know
A glow we will all know

On that day
Filled with grace
And the heart's communion
Steps we take
Steps we trace
Into the light of reunion

Paths that cross
will cross again
Paths that cross
will cross again

Speak to me
Speak to me shadow
I spin from the wheel
nothing at all
Save the need
the need to weave
A silk of souls
that whisper whisper
A silk of souls
that whispers to me

Speak to me heart
all things renew
hearts will mend
round the bend
Paths that cross
cross again
Paths that cross
will cross again

Rise up hold the reins
We'll meet again I don't know when
Hold tight bye bye
Paths that cross
will cross again
Paths that cross
Will cross again

I feel that I spent time with a good friend and it's over. I'm mourning a bit. I'm downloading Patti's music--I'd never really listened to her before--and reading more about her and Robert online. There is much more to write and reflect about but I need to marinate a bit. It needs to start bubbling up slowly...and it will. For now, if you have any time, read it.

Thanks Jeremy...thanks Patti.

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