Wednesday, March 04, 2009


So...these are just status reports...because I can't connect thoughts in a nice paragraph today, but I'm writing anyway.

The Shack--didn't go to the book club, but made the decision to read it anyway. Since it would be my first visit--due to my frustration and confusion, I didn't feel it was the right venue for me to show off my charming self.

Jimmy Fallon--watched his 1st and 2nd shows, rough. Hope things get better for him. Not seeing it last if he keeps it up this way.

Shower--I did take one today. (But I do every day.)

Netflix--got in Breathless (a rec from Jeremy Dewey) 1960. I think it's says, "French new wave." I believe JD told me it was...I haven't seen a ton of French films, more German or Spanish. I'm excited!

Mood--difficult day for one who thinks too much. I watched an Oprah episode that blew my mind. It really had me thinking. Our brains form to what they are now pretty much at age besides learning new things...our personalities are already set. The show was about child neglect. I REALLY recommend you read this story...

I know it seems like a downer and you probably won't take the time to read it, but it if doesn't change you in some way or if you don't learn something--well, shouldn't we all take the opportunity to learn something??!! It's shocking.I'm going to put an excerpt below just in case you don't go at all.

"While extreme cases of child neglect may make headlines, Dr. Perry says these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. "Most people don't realize this, but there are twice as many neglected children in the United States as there are physically and sexually abused combined," he says.

Dr. Perry says at least 500,000 children every year are neglected by their caregivers. "It's like a silent epidemic," he says. "From a functional perspective for the developing child, neglect is the absence of necessary stimulation required to build a certain part of the brain so it can function normally."

When a child doesn't get enough stimulation early in life, Dr. Perry says the brain may develop differently. "That changes all kinds of functions, including the ability to form and maintain relationships," he says."

They talked about children spending TONS of time in front of the t.v. and/or video games as negliect and having severe effects as well. My friends call it, "MTV Generation" because we can't stand not being overly stimulated. However, I feel that I really can enjoy silence. I'm not afraid of lack of conversation or noise...but I think that has to do with being comfortable in your own skin. I had time alone as a kid--but I don't feel it was too much time. In fact, I truly feel that the time I spent alone in my room reading made me more independent and comfortable. It was my time with other people that really caused negative affects!!

Tonight--American Idol--because I just can't get enough. Tea. Some deep breaths. Time with Sylvia...

New Lost on tonight!!

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