So, she's here! Zoë (it's a trick to get the umlauts...but you can google it and find out how). She was born on a Saturday...12:32pm after 22 minutes of pushing that felt more like 22 hours. I didn't cuss one time! Actually, it went ok--well, it hurt like hell and threw up a lot, but at least it wasn't hours of pushing. Labor pains started at about 8pm on Friday night. We weren't sure she was coming until around midnight. Even then, when I got to the ER around 2am, I was only 2cm. An hour later (a VERY painful hour), I was at 5cm and we were on our way! Jason was amazing. He was a great coach and crawled in bed with me to help me through the 30 second contractions. I don't know how I would've gotten through it without him really.
When she was out, they immediately put her on my chest, but I was too sick to hold her, so Jason spent the first hour of her life with her...and they've been very bonded ever since. We've all been transformed by her arrival. Her name has been tricky for most. The umlauts are probably annoying, but we love them. Zoë Lorraine Bennington Vidmar is on her birth certificate. The Bennington is just to keep track of my name. Lorraine is from my paternal grandma. I dropped Lorraine when I got married...and made Bennington my middle name. Now Z has it. Love that.
A month has gone by so quickly! We've taken an obscene amount of pics. There were 1000 of her the first week--no exaggeration. She is the most photographed child. Jason seems to hold the camera with him. He constantly snaps shots of her. He even has a website for her. (password is...rochester)
What a sweetie she is! She's not fussy...yet. She only cries when she's hungry. Breastfeeding is going swell and I'm almost back down to my beginning weight! (YAY breastfeeding!!) It's been a magical time. The fact that she was born right before the holidays was really sweet. It made Christmas that much more wonderful. We've had lots of guests and look forward to more.
She's quite the blonde! That was the #1 most commented thing about her from the very first hour she was alive...her hair. She's so blonde! Gorgeous. Not sure where she got it. I was sure she'd be dark haired after her dad. Hmmm.
Anyway, I've been away forever. This is just to catch up. The next posts (hopefully somewhat daily) will be about the fantastic times and the trials we'll have with little Zo'.
To bring it back to real, we had the exterminator come. We have ants. Sugar ants...and they suck! I think we'll be rid of them soon, but what a pain in the ass to have. We also have icicles from hell all over our house. Need to figure those out before they kill someone!
More to come! Think I'll nap.
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