Tuesday, April 06, 2010

It's raining again...

Jason is on the road today. It's raining. The sky is gray and thunder is making a nice backdrop to the drops hitting steadily on the roof. The trees are in bloom at least...and the cardinal is taking a shower on the tree right outside the kitchen window. Z is whiny today. Tired. Me too. We're trying desperately to have more tummy time. She hates it. But, she's not rolling over yet and she's not supporting herself with her arms. I guess she's suppose to be able to do this?? It's frustrating. Doctor visits somehow make me feel like a shitty parent. She has a bit of a flat part to the back of her head. The doctor said it was minor...but I felt like she thought I put my daughter on the floor and leave her all day. I'm too sensitive. We researched it a lot when we got home. It is more prevalent now that babies sleep on their backs. It'll go away...that's what most people say--including my two sisters. "Don't worry so much about it!" I worry about it...and everything else. It killed my mood yesterday. I think it did Jason's too. We're paranoid parents. I just wish someone would come see it and say, "that's totally normal, she's fine, don't worry."

She grunting up a storm behind me. Tummy time sucks. She hates it, therefore, I hate it. I'm doing my best here...but she just can't get those arms under her. It's a sad thing to watch. Just get me to 6 months already!

1 comment:

Motherhood Mayhem said...

Don't worry she'll roll over when she's ready!!! Do the tummy time and let nature do its job. I miss you!