Monday, October 04, 2010

Dr. House?

My month of learning takes a turn today. I thought I would have learned something more about my aching feet and hands and I didn't. I went to the doctor, a rheumatologist actually and he is perplexed. He's going to run more blood tests to see if I have Lupus. He's also checking my Vitamin D. ??? He prescribed stronger anti-inflammatory meds that I have yet to get from Walgreens. So, I'm kind of down about it. I hate not knowing the answers. I'm sick of my body aching and feeling so old! The fact that all this is coupled with my having hip replacement already...makes me feel so brittle. I worry about my bones and joints. I worry about keeping up with Z. I've started stretching and exercising every morning in the loft as Z plays. It's been really good for me. I can now touch my toes! (I haven't been able to do that for a long time.)

Don't try to diagnose yourself on the internet. Well, you should, but I shouldn't. I can't find anything that matches my symptoms. You know...I really want House to be real. Aside from the fact that I can't figure this out...Hugh Laurie is hot.

I really don't think it's Lupus. I think it has to fall into some type of arthritis. Shit!!!!

1 comment:

Kortney said...

The internet is a handy and highly dangerous tool. I was sure I was dying. I'm not. I didn't.

I also read about some kid giving medical answers on webMD after looking them up in books. That frightened me, and makes me want to email him.

Glad you can touch your toes. I don't think I can.