Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm an addict...a zombie...both.

I've been an addict of TV for most of my life. I'm not happy about it, but it's the truth. I'm an escapist. I love to dive into others' lives and take a break from my own. Reading makes me tired and I feel that I'll just sleep all of the time if I read a lot. Maybe I'm just not used to it. I've been thinking a lot about breaking from my TV for a week to start...then maybe 2....ugh. I'd like to spend my time doing other things. I feel I'd get more done. Most moms I know don't even have time to watch tv, so I should start now so I don't get the shakes later. I've been avoiding this post...because as an addict, I was afraid of really doing it--letting the TV go for a bit. See, I even talk like an addict..."for a bit"--I can't just quit. In my struggles of being a stay at home mom zombie...I think it's been nagging at me that I'm becoming my worst nightmare. I love books. My house is full of them. I'm a hypocrite. I live a lie. I look like I read...and I don't. I read pages in a book a day, but not ever really finishing the book! I would like to set a good example for Z and not be a tv zombie. I've been one for long enough and I feel so bored. I thought I could start by limiting myself to how much I watch a day. How much TV is too much? I am too embarrassed to tell you how much I watch currently. I've admitted I have a problem...but I don't want you to know how much of a problem I have.

It's time for a change. Can I do it?? I'm scared of not being able to...but more scared of becoming the most uninteresting person I know!!

I'm going to rake leaves now...and think about how to go about this.


Anonymous said...

I go in cycles with TV watching, but I definitely feel better when I am not watching it. May the force be with you because it is hard to break away and I really think it sucks brain cells.

I do think it is easier when your kids are older and you are concerned with what they are seeing, hearing and absorbing - it wakes you up to what you are watching.
:Lisa C

Bucket Trucks said...

I quit watching tv for the most part about 5 years ago. I started reading more and the house is about 1000 times cleaner. Life got to be a lot more fun.