Tuesday, November 02, 2010


it's late at night when the demons seem to crawl into my head. last night i laid there thinking and thinking about crazy things. horrible things. things that made me wonder if needed medication. the overall thought was being horribly bored with myself. wanting a radical change. i'm so afraid of being blah and my life meaning nothing to me. i worry about the risks not taken and the places not seen...the people not met. i keep trying to see myself in the future. what does that look like? what changes can i do from here? last night i came up with the idea to finally take guitar lessons. not sure if that will happen but it was a good idea. i did rsvp to a book club here in town. we're reading Faulkner to start. damn. I really am not a huge fan of his...but that was years ago when i formed that opinion. i'll try again. (Light in August)

I'm about to go vote Democrat for NY Gov. I CAN'T STAND Carl Paladino. Ugh. I really despise him. If he became Gov I would think about moving.

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