Monday, December 27, 2010

And we're back!

Back from the sun...though not hot, it was warmer than Rochester. Our house was chilly...but clean and nice to come back to. When we arrived at ROC, our car was dead. We were exhausted, it was freezing and Z was sleeping. We opted to just take a cab home and return to the issue in the morning. Good choice. Sleeping in our bed was great. I got these great $20 flannel sheets at Target and it really warmed up our sleep!! They are really pretty, too. I love Target...and Target stock loves me.

Today is a day for napping and slowly putting our things away. We still have many icicles but no leaks. I'm not ready for the holiday to be over. Being away from home during the holiday was nice, but spending Christmas day on the beach was surreal. It just didn't feel quite right. The Vidmars were engrossed in Mad Men and so we watched that daily as they are trying to catch up to the current season. I own the seasons, so I'd seen each episode 3 times already. However, listening to them discuss Don Draper's actions was amusing. We also played poker almost every day. I'm getting better...but now will have a drought for months probably. Jason isn't into card games.

I'll post some pics of Z at Disney World soon. That was a great time. She was only there for 5 hours. The grandparents came to get her and 5 of us stayed out late. We spent the evening in Epcot going from country to country drinking and eating...and shopping. So much fun! At 9 some were pooped--we'd been at it since 8am. J and I were ready to head back to the Magic Kingdom and see the fireworks, so we went alone. Wow...just beautiful!! It really does make you feel like a kid to be there. It was so nicely done. Just a great way to spend the day.

Z and J are now taking naps and the dishwasher is running in the background...all is good.

1 comment:

Perrymount Rd. said...


Just wanted to say I loved reading your blog - very interesting and entertaining, keep it up!

Mrs. Higgins