Monday, February 14, 2011

Go get Easter Candy for Valentine's--it's better.

Happy Valentine's Day--if you celebrate it. If you don't, that's perfectly acceptable. I'd say I celebrate it enough to get a card. I got J a travel coffee mug this year--how romantic, I know. He always loses them. This one won't be a BIG celebration because it doesn't need to be. Some years we put more emphasis on it than others. Maybe we need it more sometimes. We're in a good place right now...happy and content. But probably the biggest reason...we've been eating WAYYY too much candy in the past month that we can't bring any more in. HA!

Z and I went to Barnes and Noble this morning for story time. We haven't done that in a while. While I was picking out a card for J, an older man asked me if he could hold Z while I looked. WHAT THE HELL!!!???? I said, "Oh, no thank you..." And promptly left the card area. Seriously? Am I jaded or is that just screwed up? When I went back, Z picked something off the floor and handed it to me. It was a Xanax. Holy crap. BN is a pedo- drug den today.

However you celebrate today--if you do, you should at least take the time to write out a few things about what you love about yourself. Shouldn't we be reminded as to why we like ourselves??

1. I think I'm funny
2. I'm happy about my lot in life
3. I (we) created a beautiful girl
4. I have terrific friends--that I obviously attracted.
5. I love my adventurous spirit

There...not bad.

Eat a lot of chocolate today. I hear that the Cadbury mini eggs are out. They are just soooo damn good--addictive and amazing.

1 comment:

Kate Hall said...

yay you! hubsJ and I shared our 'gratitude lists'... thats all. i'll show you mine if you show me yours. like that. . . cool... :) (the downside of all the candy is the slowing down of my mental faculties... ) cool...:)