Friday, October 07, 2011

you never know.

Two dear friends of mine were killed yesterday in a car accident outside of Scranton, NY. They were headed to NYC for a follow up visit on a Dr. appt. They'd just turned 40- 2 weeks ago. They were twins. Bill was our neighbor on the left with his wife Melissa and their daughter, Paige. And Lynn, his sister. They'd both been at my home last Saturday having margaritas and playing mexican train dominoes with Melissa. We spent many weekend evenings together--some great nights outside by a fire in the backyard. They were laid back, sweet and very easy going people.  Easy to joke with them. Easy talk just sit and talk. I will miss them both very  much.

Call the person you've been putting off calling.
Hug your loved ones.
Get over any petty fights you might be having.

It's hard not to be angry at someone. It's hard, period. We moved to Rochester about 3 years ago now. After feeling a bit alone out here...Bill and his family made Roc home for us. Finally, we had friends to enjoy on the weekends and to see over the fence each day. We had people we so enjoyed--who shared our same interests and felt so similarly to how we feel about so many things. Just a heartbreaking shame.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm sorry, that's so sad. And, a good reminder about how important it is to connect with the people you love.