Wednesday, February 01, 2012

let it all hang out.

As anticipated, my lows yesterday made for highs today. Today, I feel perfectly balanced. I'm cleaning up the house and getting ready for my mom to get in later tonight. I have my scene with two characters done and am working on my monologue. It isn't my favorite...I think it might need to change.

It is rainy, but really beautiful outside. There are little droplets on the trees...makes them look as if they are decorated with crystals.

I was thinking about all of the things I use online and how much my likes and my personality flood into so many areas. I just started Pinterest and it's amazing to think of how my grandmothers would have used it. I was too young to ask them all the things I'm interested in now. I would love to know what styles they loved, what books, movies, recipes or quotes that were part of their lives. Every time I write or publish something, I think of Z. How she will know me unlike I know anyone in my family. My family is quite private. They don't talk about their feelings much. They certainly don't blog about their daily ups and downs. I've always felt somewhat like an alien. I think I am the way I am because of the guesswork I've used on trying to figure out how everyone feels. My mom, sister and dad are mostly mysteries to me. They are all kind people...but very reserved. Too much talking makes them squirm a bit--at least in my experience.

Maybe I do let it all hang out a bit much. It matters not to me. The best way to learn how to get through this life is from the experiences of others. My friends are mostly open books as well. They may need some prodding, but they normally open up and share what I need them to. I chose them carefully.

Live and share--you may help someone in ways you may never know.

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