Thursday, March 08, 2012

whiny and no fun.

Today seems to be hard for me for some reason. It's gray and windy, but warm enough for Z to spend time outside. I've showered and tried cleaning in order to give my day some order. The days run together sometimes. I'm still fighting this cold and it seems to be kicking my butt. Will you see how much complaining I'm doing?? It's just awful.

Some days you just need to make your bed and see what happens from there. (Currently my bed isn't made.)

I'm going to go do that and I'll see if that helps.

Ok, it helped a little, but I got distracted and started doing something else. Now I'm making some lunch for Z which she'll probably not like and we'll have a battle about it. She likes to battle about most things these days. Then, she turns on a dime and is the sweetest child in the world. She comes by it naturally I suppose.

Our cat, Meryl Streep has issues. She's peeing in the playroom. She peed right in front of Jason last night. He wants to make her an outside cat. Is that cruel? Can we do that? She has all of her claws. But she's been an inside cat for at least 6 years or so. He wants to get rid of her, actually--but we're not doing that. I'm going to do some research as to what kind of people we'd be to start having her live outside. I'd get her a bed and she'd have shelter--but I might lose my husband if we don't do something.

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