Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Dark Knight

We went to see it last night. I was jumpy and nervous. Every time anyone stood up, I was on guard. Every time guns went off, I scanned the audience. It was hard to enjoy the movie because I was so distracted by the shootings in Colorado. Jason said he didn't think of them at all--but Kendra and Mom were also aware as they also checked out each person that got up and walked out for whatever reason. The move was very dark. It's violent. It's depressing and very Mad Max-ish to me. Bleak. I enjoyed the last movie so much more. Maybe it was because I couldn't relax. That's possible. I'll have to take a second look.

I recommend going to see it in IMAX--and maybe during the day if you're skiddish. Maybe that would help me, too. Seeing young kids in there was disturbing to me. It is NOT for kids. It's way too dark and disturbing for that.

Is it worth seeing? Yes. It's a great story. I didn't get bored at all. Bane was slightly uninteresting and evil. But it was exciting and surprising. Anne Hathaway was great. Bale was Bale. The movie itself was the main character--if that makes any sense. I think I need another go at it.

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