Thursday, August 09, 2012

Hope Springs

Today, Z had Doodle Bugs. I had a doctor's appt that didn't go as well as I'd hoped. My mild case of anemia turned into an extreme case so I'm now having to change my diet. I also got put on a prescription ant-acid. The baby is fine that's really what's important. When I got home, all I wanted was to take a nap--but found myself in a movie theatre at noon watching Hope Springs. Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones star in this little film about a couple who go to therapy after 31 years of marriage--and what comes out of it. She is unhappy. He is unaware. He is totally dependent on her--and yet she is invisible to him. They haven't slept in the same bed for many years and haven't touched or had sex for probably 4-5 years. They did a great job of acting very uncomfortable through the whole process. It was believable. I enjoyed it. I didn't feel it was geared toward an older audience--but really, any married couple. We can lose sight of things. We can lose ourselves and each other. It reconfirmed the importance of touching. Just a touch can send all the right signals--I love you, I miss you, I want you, I'm here for you. I forget to do this sometimes. I'm all wrapped up in errands and chores. I should be more touchy feely. I can' focus on what Jason does and doesn't do, only on what I do and don't do. (I can be a blamer at times...)

With that, I hear J and Z on the couch. Think I'll go in and cuddle with them.

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