Wednesday, March 06, 2013

I love you, please go.

I think I made the decision today to travel alone with the girls to Kansas in May. The thought almost paralyzes me. I'm worried Z will throw a tantrum and I won't know what to do. I'm worried about the amount of baggage, car seats, baby crap I will have and be able to hold on to both girls. I can do it, right? Other moms do. Other moms have more kids, too. I'd like a leash and muzzle for Z and lots of Xanax for myself. (just kidding. sort of.)

Today I woke up exhausted and it stayed with me all day. My stress is back in my hands and feet. Today I was a bit of a wimp...but I did get out and do errands--even went grocery shopping with Harper. I MADE myself get out of the house...thinking that if Jason weren't here working, I might have just sunk into the couch today and never gotten out of my pj's. This damn cloudy weather is getting to me. I need some warm weather asap. I love the winter, I do. But, now it must go.

My friends with SAD: we really need to buy lamps for our homes. What are we waiting for??

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