Wednesday, January 29, 2014


A quick entry about movies.

My faves this year were Her, Philomena, 12 Years a Slave and The Wolf of Wall Street.

Her-- Perfect script. Beautifully shot. I loved the colors. When I heard him (Jaq's character) talk about the fact that he didn't believe he'd ever feel so in love (with Scarlett...) and feel so deeply--that he was feeling new feelings...when he felt he'd only feel lesser extremes of feelings he'd already felt in his life...(I'm paraphrasing)--man, did I get that. There comes a point when you have to, is this it? Is this the greatest amount of love and joy I'm going to have and everything else will just be equal or lesser than this?? Will I ever feel something I've never felt before...again? Wow.

12 Years-- Difficult to watch, but mind blowing for me. I cried, I looked away and I felt pretty much sick afterward. But, I'm glad I went. (And I am glad I was alone.) The amount of pain on every front...the amount of agony and cruelty that people had to's hard for me not to have profound thoughts about my existence at this point in history.

Philomena--My dad is adopted. I've been researching to find his mother and not being very successful. It's a long, hard process...with lots of road blocks. I loved Judi in this. I find it hopeful and heartbreaking.

The Wolf--Hmmm...a lot of people hated this movie. I loved it for what it was. I loved the performances--crazy as they were. I was on the ride with them. I was in awe of a type of life I would never want. The riches portrayed are ones I have no interest in at all. I'm glad to know that about myself. It's a more is more movie. It's not for everyone...but I loved it.

Oscar picks are coming...

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