Saturday, March 08, 2014

I'm hoping I'm a late bloomer.

I'm trying to write every day and it isn't working out. Either I forget, am too tired or I'm uninspired. I'm going to take a class to jumpstart myself. It starts in 2 weeks. I think writing has to become a part of your day, like a habit or daily ritual. A lot of people write in the morning. I don't have time until mid day or evening...and then I'm spent.

The girls are growing. I can see things changing. Life will be different once Harper isn't a baby anymore. She is technically a toddler...but when she really starts talking, it will be a new ball game. Things may get easier. Some are more challenged during the teen years. I am definitely not a grade school person. I like conversation and ideas...I can't wait to watch REAL movies with them and discuss. I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself a year from now. Harper will be starting pre-school and I will need to find a place in society again. That causes my chest to be heavy. I've never had a career. I have daydreams about things, but I've never worked toward completing any of them. Maybe I will have the courage by then.

Spring needs to come. I'm claustrophobic.

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