Friday, November 04, 2016

Definition of crazy...

( doing the same things over and over again expecting a different response.)

So, the Aaron Sorkin Master Class is really good. In case you are thinking about it. I've learned so much.

Let the Seasonal Affective Disorder mania begin. Today I'm obsessing about how out of shape I am and practically got to self-loathing due to letting myself get this way. Let's see, just over a year ago I was in the best shape of my life. Then, boom...I plummeted. Awful. So, I am vowing to myself by May, I want to be in that shape again. Well, close to that shape.  Without a trainer, it will be extremely difficult for me to stay on task. I'm not a self-starter. I hate that about myself. I guess that is up to me to change and not accept about myself.

I've been listening to plays to "research" how plays sound. There is a rhythm about them. Just to focus on the dialogue and how it differs from the movies. Obviously, there is usually much less action. There are things that just don't work. Words that don't work. Starting sentences with certain words don't work. How to treat the audience. Making sure they can follow the action. A confused audience is not one that will appreciate anything.

Appreciating things...something I need to focus on right now. I am a broken record. At 42, I still struggle with many of the same things I did 15 years ago. I'm not doing something right here.

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