Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Requiem for a Dream

The inspiration for this blog came from a conversation with my friends Craig and Kortney. All of us have addictive personalities. (other people find us, in and of ourselves, addictive too!!) Anyway, the earliest memory of having an addictive personality is at age 7 I believe. My mom made a batch of chocolate chip cookies. She told me I could have one. I watched t.v. on our b/w t.v. in the kitchen because (even then) I wanted to watch my own shows and no one liked "Tales of the Golden Monkey." (Awesome show--there's even a cult following I found on the internet) Anyway, I just kept going back and getting one cookie after another until they were all gone. I, very Abraham Lincoln like, went to my mom and said, "I cannot tell a lie, I ate all of the cookies." Well, that's not exactly how I put it, but I told her and was very proud of myself for eating them all. I thought it was funny. She did not. She flipped. I had to go to bed. My addictions have become worse over the years. Interestingly enough, I'm not addicted to smoking or alcohol. I don't even think beer tastes good. I get addicted to people mostly...and t.v. shows. I remember my soph year in college being addicted to The Real World -Seattle. Completely into that season!! Loved San Fransico too...and New Orleans. I just didn't get into any other cities. I skipped class all of the time and watched Real World marathons. I probably spent 10 hours a day watching them. Today, Kortney and I were trying to think of some shows that we could throw ourselves into to escape our own little worlds. I'm currently addicted to reruns of Party of Five. My roommate, Dustin owns them and we watch them whenever we get a moment. We're currently on season 2. When I moved into the apt on Evergreen with J, I started in on Felicity. (he got hooked too) He watched all 4 years with me. Took us less than a month. We sat in front of the t.v. and just watch episode after episode after episode. I remember one Saturday...it was beautiful outside and neither one of us could pull ourselves away from Felicity, Ben or Noel. That show was a great bonding time for us...we really didn't know eachother and all I thought was, "wow, a guy who is cool enough with himself to get into Felicity and not care." Dawson's Creek came next but J bugged out on that one. He felt that it was a poor man's Felicity and banned the series. Understandable. Earlier this year, when I was unemployed...Jack Bauer came into my life. JACK BAUER!!!! (inside joke) I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning watching that show. J was gone to WI for work during the week and I had nothing else to do. (oh, yeah, that and looking for a job) 24 took a while...24 episodes per season, 4 seasons....40 minutes per episode..that's 64 hours I spent watching that show. wow. That's an addicting show.!!

(get to go home early...will resume at home.)

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