Friday, February 19, 2010

Could really care less.

Today, Zoë and I FINALLY cleaned the downstairs closet. I said I was going to do this the other day and it didn't happen. I've been looking for projects to get done. It burns calories and keeps me from going stir crazy. Day 6 of not leaving the house. Yes, I could, I'm not locked up in here. I have a car and a car seat. However, it's cold and I have no where to go.

I have great before and after pics of the closet I'll post. Ooooh, won't that be exciting!! Yesterday, I actually made a conversation topic about how I'd switched out the sponge in the kitchen sink. This was something I felt the need to discuss with Jason when he was done with work. Hmmm. I could talk about the average of about 3 loads of laundry I do a day. Nahh...boring. How about that I folded all of the blankets again upstairs...or looked at the floor and thought I should vacuum but didn't want to become anal about it. Ha. I do find my mind a bit funny lately. Things that I didn't ever think I would think about...or even discuss are finding to be important--or rather, I have nothing mind blowing to talk about. Z helped me make a summer box of clothes and a box of skinny clothes that I can't wear but refuse to throw out. A girl can dream.

I watched Tiger give his apology today. His eyes were rimmed with tears. He looked right into the camera when he said he was sorry. I sat there and thought, "Wow, I really don't care about you or anything you are saying. Yet, you interrupted The View to tell me and I'm a little ticked about that." I have no feelings about him. I feel for his wife--sort of. I really just don't care. And the fact that I've dedicated a paragraph of my blog talking about how much I don't care should illustrate the point that I have nothing to talk about.


1 comment:

Kortney said...

I almost feel bad that I want to tell Tiger "go play golf and whatever else you do is not my business." You had to hear his crap. Maybe he should have to hear about you switching out the kitchen sponge.