Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All Work and No Play Makes me...well, boring.

Today started off with a very moody me, but ended a little better. My body aches from starting back to the gym. I thought I'd be a little stronger than I am. I do lift 16 lbs all of the time. Guess not. Wow. Z goes to the little daycare there as I try to huff and puff myself into looking decent. Kortney's wedding is just a few short weeks away and I'd like to not scare people with my wing-like arms. I'm also about as white as you can get for being the end of August. I'm hoping pale is in.

I'm again blogging without a thought in my head. I do it so I can check it off of my productivity list. I'm having an issue with making sure I'm productive each day. Am I really this boring? I am. Being overwhelmed by house chores and always thinking about how I could hang my pots in my kitchen is starting to make me wonder if I've become my greatest nightmare. I'm going to be one of those women who sit in a group of other interesting people and have nothing to offer to the conversation. Shit. I've been REALLY avoiding the mommy group thing, but now I may have to do it so that I at least keep up my social graces. I did meet a woman at the Barnes and Noble story time on Monday. I need to email her. We've been here for almost two years and I'm pretty short of female friends.

I plan on overdosing on laughter and hugs when I go to Kansas. Dustin is meeting me at the airport and is my date for the wedding. No baby, just me. Will I even know what to talk about??

I'll get used to this. I only have on baby for heaven's sake. All of my friends have multiples. Geesh. Is the first year always the adjustment period? Maybe when she can walk, or when she and I can have conversations, or when we can go on outings or bake together. Don't get me wrong, please. I love her. I think she's the cutest damn thing ever. But I constantly think about what she'll think of me. I have WAYYYY TOO much time to think about this shit.

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