Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Reality dictates Life?

So, I'm not into fashion, I just like to live in their world a bit. I don't even know how to sew. I think I could create outfits...actually, no I don't. But, I do enjoy seeing the clothes and the creativity of others. There are BIG issues in the world, yes. Fashion seems, well, shallow. It's an escape and I am in to escapism.
I look out my window and I see my beautiful hanging flowers sagging. They will be dead for the season soon. Ugh. I'll have to get some pumpkins to decorate maybe. I like to see color. The trees will turn soon and that will be nice. I did have to do my first fall clean up yesterday. I raked about 4 little piles of leaves and grass around the yard. I don't remember doing much raking of leaves growing up. Kansas has trees, but not to the extent of New York. Geesh. With great beauty comes a great amount of clean up. Jason is not a fan of yard work in any fashion. He lived in Cleveland growing up and had a TON of huge trees in his yard. We all may have a secret hatred for a certain chore because we had to do it so much growing up. I hate doing the trash. I hate going grocery shopping. But, you have to do it. Though, even as broke as I was in Chicago, I still did peapod.com. You pick your items on line and then they are delivered. I looked for it here, they don't have it. shit.
Today is clean out the front closet day. I watched about 2 hours of Hoarders yesterday and now I'm full of anxiety. That show is fascinating but it REALLY freaks me out. I can't handle it. During the commercial breaks I started to clean my bedroom closet. I also made the bathroom neat. It's not a good way to spend an evening. It's a control issue I believe. I think having a show about how people react to shows would be at least interesting for 30 minutes. "How Reality TV Affects Us" Now, you could see if The Biggest Loser makes me people start dieting or if The Amazing Race makes people start planning trips or if Project Runway makes people starting making their own clothes. Ok, maybe this would only be interesting to me. I get motivated and inspired by SOME reality tv. I caught some of Jersey Shore--not inspiring. Well, it makes you want to be a better person. Tabitha's Salon Take Over creates a need for organization. Paula Deen's Best Dishes gives me lots of cooking ideas and I feel pumped to be in the kitchen! Why do we watch these shows? Jason loves Housewives of (enter city). He loves the way it takes no brain activity to enjoy it. He thinks all day and wants to dumb out in front of the t.v. He loves the WORST shows on t.v. (Not that I don't) Do we spend too much time in front of the t.v.? Yes. And when Z starts getting bigger, we'll have to just use the DVR and watch shows in the middle of the night.

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