Thursday, April 07, 2011

Warm temperatures...but not the ones I need.

Z has a temp of 102.7 and is very cuddly. Poor thing. She's also slept a lot today. Her rosy cheeks and warm body make me ache for her. I wonder if her skin know, when you don't feel well and even clothes hurt. I hate that feeling. At least she has a parent to cuddle. There is a news story on right now about an abused 2 year old who was just removed from his parents. Gross.

I've had some interesting "therapy sessions" at random lately. I wonder if the universe is trying to tell me something. I keep getting into long phone conversations with people and really hashing things out. It must be emotional spring cleaning. I have lots of cob webs that need to be blown out. Don't we all?

Still no buds on the trees. BUT! The Cardinal family is very active. They chase each other all over the little part of woods we have back here. There's also a woodpecker that is quite noisy. It's all good noise. Still...I'm waiting until it's warm enough to open up the house and let the warm breezes come through. That coupled with the nature sounds makes for a calm and happy night.

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