Thursday, May 26, 2011

The truth is a virus

I've been reading May Sarton and Anais Nin's dairies off and on. I relate to May's more. Both write about the importance of honesty in a journal. I've found myself writing very bland and vague entries--as if it will eventually be picked up and read. So, this week I've been focusing on writing with as much honesty as possible. I can't worry who picks it up someday, I just have to write my truth each day. It's harder than you think. Now I understand why Oprah keeps her journals in a safe under lock and key with strict instructions upon her death. I'll have to do the same thing. I'll find my way to getting safe to keep my mind at ease.

Writing in a journal helps me sort out my thoughts. It also keeps time. I have a memory issue and writing it all down will help my recall. My years of medication robbed me of many years of my life. Many times my friends will tell me of times in my twenties and I'm just blank. Jason has to remind of me of times in our relationship as well. I don't want to lose any of our current time.

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