Thursday, July 28, 2011

Francis Alys

My visit to NYC still has me thinking. My friend, Jeremy, took us to the MoMA and it's really stuck with me. Seeing some of the exhibits--Francis Alys in particular was really eye opening to me. I think it's because there were so many examples of artists that think so many thoughts that I don't. Their minds are so full of wonder about the most interesting things...things that I don't give a second thought about. Now, I do. So many find beauty in the mundane. They really find art in everything. Watching a car try and try again to get up a dirt road...and what it said to me about human nature...about life. I don't know. Maybe it was the rooms full of people I didn't know, sitting and watching a film and knowing each of us took something different from it. There was a film he did titled, Tornado. We all sat in the room and was really riveting. I believe you can see it online. Some of the exhibits blew my mind. I could go there once a week. Jeremy is a member. He loves it there. I'm thrilled that he introduced me.

Go to this site and see what you think.

I feel that certain moments of my life are worth holding on to. The times when my eyes seem to see a world that looks completely different than the one I'm used to--as if my mind is actually expanding and my perspective has changed. It's fascinating. I feel as if I have a new found appreciation and it's time to learn more. Here is a picture of Francis below.

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