Monday, August 01, 2011

Being around family makes me feel a little like Sybil.

Quick post. The fam is at the store. Having family in usually means that you should call and make an appt. with your shrink for the day after they leave. I'm keeping busy by baking and cleaning. It's going well so far. I'm exhausted...they've been here just over 24 hours. They are here for 10 days or so. I'm in the land of little sister, new mother, wife, aunt and daughter...that's a lot of hats to wear. I'm usually the same person all of the time, but there is tweaking. I feel in charge, yet a teenager, yet a grown up and sometimes...the elder. You want to prove that you've grown and not the same stupid kid. You want to show them that you are fully into your role as wife and mother...and that you know what you're doing.  You want to prove that you can raise a happy and healthy child. You want them to know that you love them...and that just because you moved away, you still want to be around them. But, it's hard. Everyone has their own household. Everyone wants to cook in your kitchen. Their stuff is all over the house...and you don't want to seem like a crazy person by always picking up after them. You don't want to seem too uptight, but you are. You want to be the fun aunt...but you are now a mother, too. And, at the end of the day, I want to spend time with them after Z is asleep--but I'm worn out and need to go to bed. Hmmm.

Yes, I need to call and make that appt.

**Sybil is a book...and a movie...about multiple personalities. The version with Sally Field is excellent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is SO TRUE!!! I'm cracking up!!! Thank you for proving I'm not the only one who needs Valium for visitors!!!