Wednesday, August 22, 2012

get me through it.

Just get me to the end of this day. I forgot to take my Unisom last night and was up from 3-5am. I watched some stuff off of the DVR. The Kathy show with Jane Fonda and Sharon Osborne is hilarious. (taped it weeks ago) Jane looks so confused. She is confused by Kathy's sense of humor and shocked by what she says I think. I laughed out loud. I also watched Survivor Man--10 days in Mexico. He's on an island that my father frequents actually. I learned how to distill water if I need to...but I wouldn't survive on clams, oysters and squid. nope. I wandered around the house... I found J in sleeping with Z. I shut her window and kept roaming. Today I am wiped. Z isn't fond of naps I'm just eating to stay away. Strawberries, black olives, salsa, oatmeal...random food items--we need to get to the store I guess. We had some pool time, but not much. Bees scared us away. Damn bees. I was happy out there. I killed a bee and Z is still saying, "Good job Valerie for getting that bee!" Sometimes I'm "Valerie." Whatever.

It's only 2:20--will I make it?

Again, I am in total awe of mom with more than one child. Moms that have so much energy. Moms who are always in a good mood, always baking, always creating, always going to the park. I am just in awe.

I want an iron injection. Why can't I get one?

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