Thursday, December 06, 2012

Quick update.
My dad came for a week. It was so nice to have him here. I know it will be a time that I remember. I find myself taking more mental pictures of life as time goes on. It's not just with my parents, but with everyone. You can't take times or people for granted--we lose people all too often too soon. When never know whom or when.

I also got the flu in a major way a couple days ago. Wow. It came out of nowhere and took me out completely. I think I threw up 15 times in 12 hours. I'm now down to pre-baby weight. I can button my pants now.

Harper is doing well. She is quite a sleeper at night. We got lucky. During my barfing spells...she just snoozed away. Zoƫ turned 3 yesterday. I can't believe it. My little one. She is quite the firecracker! Funny, bull headed and way too smart. Put that together with how pretty she is...we are really in for it.

Our guests keep coming. Mom arrives next week. My sister and fam the week after. Kortney and Jason come in January. Dustin will be here for 10 days and Ryan will be here for half the time. I can't wait! I think it's nice that people want to come see us. Our house does a great job accommodating everyone. It's a great holiday house. The tree us decorated. We got a real one this year. It could be a little taller, but it fills out the room really well. I decorated with only blue and green lights. Blue and Green usually signify J and me. He's been busy with school. Today he takes his final and then finishes a project. After that...I'm really hoping for some time together. It's been a blur for him for the past few months.

Take time out for each other. We really struggle to do that.

Hoping we get a BIG snow fall soon. It would just make the picture that much more perfect.

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