Monday, December 10, 2012

Who owns a smoke machine??

The weekend was not restful. Jason worked on school work all weekend. He had a project due on is still not done. He's not good with papers. He  never hits his deadlines. He always usually gets an A...but it isn't for promptness. So...we didn't spend any time together and Z is upset that she didn't get to go to the Play Museum.

The day is cloudy and dreary...but I'm fine with it. It fits the mood. The lights can stay on and be seen. I can clean without seeing all the dust that the sunshine brings out. I can listen to jazz music and it seems appropriate.

We are headed to Cleveland this weekend. I wish I could say that I'm looking forward to it. I am not. We haven't had ANY time as a family and now we are off to visit other people. I had a falling out with his mother this week. She felt the need to leave J a long venting voicemail about her disapproval that Z isn't potty trained yet. Jason brought it up to me at dinner on Friday night. It wasn't the best timing--I was furious and fired off an email. I did wait an hour. It wasn't awful. I wasn't disrespectful. I'd just had it. I find her CONSTANT pessimism tiresome. She rarely talks about happy things are sees the good in ANYTHING.


My mom comes on Thursday. I AM looking forward to that. Though it isn't his fault...J's been so busy that I've just been on my own in the evenings. It will nice to have someone to watch tv and talk to. He works too hard. It sucks.

My SIL turned me on to a new I love it. Also, I'm addicted to this video right now--Z makes me play it a few times a day. Enjoy. (No, she doesn't hear the curse words in case you were wondering)


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