Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It could be because of the playlist I'm listening to...

It's snowing, but not as much as predicted. The 4-8 inches gave way to a dusting. It's still coming down and it is dreadfully cold. I just got done cleaning Z's room. H is sleeping peacefully in the front room. She's been snoring for just over an hour now. She is happiest baby. Z was smiley, but H is always smiling. If she is unhappy...she is ready to sleep, eat or needs her diaper changed. She isn't moody. She smiles at you if you smile at her. She's a very zen girl. And she's just a doll. So easy to deal with. A great sleeper. I am in love with my girls. (feel free to barf now.) Z is a great little conversationalist. She is naturally funny and really thinks about things. She is stubborn, yes...but I get it. She is an observer. H may even be more so. I can't wait for the conversations I have with these girls. I look forward to the movie nights. I look forward to many things.

As I think about all the things I have to be thankful for...I am also constantly reminded of how lucky we are. When I hear of the troubles others are having right now, it angers me. As life rolls on, I seem to understand less and less. Not meaning to take a down turn here, but I do question many things. I don't understand now such wonderful people can have such heartbreak and tragedy. I think about this almost every day.  Of course, looking across the yard reminds me of Bill...and Melissa. Sadly, although I've had a lot experience in losing people...Bill's death really hit me at the right time of my life where I could process it more. Just the complete feeling of something being so unfair. And it continues. My eyes were open wide...and I see it everywhere. If you are reading this in good health...and are relatively healthy with healthy are lucky. You are blessed. Do something for someone else.

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